Sunday, February 27, 2011

For a moment...

I think I'm mostly in control for a moment. I dOn'T tHiNk YoU wIlL bE fOr MuCh LoNgEr.

Ignoring that; like I told Sam: If there's a choice between someone taking me down, and me harming someone.... Is ThAt SuPpOsEd tO mAkE sEnSe? Again, ignoring. This is permission for someone to take me down before I hurt anyone.

Sorry Kite. Sorry Adrian. NoT rEaLly.

~ViNdIcTa out~


  1. I don't have near as much time as I thought.

    Tell Adrian I said I love him.

    Daisuro, serunœ. Kikœ.

  2. HaHaHa... SaMmIe, SaMmIe, SaMmIe. SiLlY lItTlE gIrL. YoU'vE lOsT.

    YoU'rE sTrOnGeR tHaN hEr. YoU cOuLd HaVe JuSt GrAbBeD hEr AnD kEpT hEr ThErE. YoU cOuLd HaVe GoTtEn HeR cUrEd. YoU dIdN't, AnD nOw.....

  3. Why... why did you have to do this...

    It should've been me. I should've been the one to fall. I swore to protect you, and I failed...

    Dammit. I'm going to get you back, my love. Even if it means giving myself up, either my body, or my life. I swore a long time ago that that's what I would do. I would die so you could live.

    That's what love is, right? Sacrificing yourself for someone you love.

    So that's what I have to do. When you come back to your senses, when I rescue you, make sure you read this.

    I love you. And I always will.
